Brandy Garza Padilla
15592 Cantrice Lane
Caldwell, ID 83607
September 15, 2010
Ms. Pamela Parks
Idaho Commission of Human Rights
317 W. Main Street
Second Floor
Boise, ID 83735-0660
Dear Ms. Pamela Parks:
I am writing you in hopes of finding out more about how the matters of racism have changed, and what the current condition of racism is locally.
Originally, I reviewed the Idaho Commission of Human Rights website and received some information there and became very interested in it.
For an assignment, I am constructing a research essay on racism as a local social issue. I am writing for an English class at the College of Western Idaho, and I need some help with the following questions:
1. Do you believe that we have gained ground on racism locally?
2. What are the effects of racism locally?
3. What can we do to combat racism locally?
4. What is a practical example of racism today?
As Director of the Idaho Commission of Human Rights, I know that your input will be valuable to my report, and therefore I am eager to hear from you. In the report I will acknowledge your contributions, and I will send you a copy of the completed essay if you wish.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Brandy Garza Padilla
College of Western Idaho
Brandy Garza Padilla
15592 Cantrice Lane
Caldwell, ID 83607
September 15, 2010
National Resource Center for the Healing of Racism
I am writing you in hopes of finding out more about how the matters of racism have changed, and what the current condition of racism.
Originally, I reviewed the National Resource Center for the Healing of Racism website and received some information there and became very interested in it.
For an assignment, I am constructing a research essay on racism as a local social issue. I am writing for an English class at the College of Western Idaho, and I need some help with the following questions:
1. Do you believe that we have gained ground on racism in the US?
2. What are the effects of racism?
3. What can we do to combat racism?
4. What is a practical example of racism today?
As experts on healing racism, I know that your input will be valuable to my report, and therefore I am eager to hear from you. In the report I will acknowledge your contributions, and I will send you a copy of the completed essay if you wish.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon.
Brandy Garza Padilla
College of Western Idaho
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